Bear Orgy : Thrill Lay
I love Boston Legal. . .so much. It breaks my heart, but still makes me laugh hysterically--which makes for some funny faces. It jerks me around, but I don't, Alan Shore is the sexiest lawyer alive. (Who is, uh. . .fictional).
But seriously, William Shatner and James Spader have such great chemistry.
Tonight, I saw Déjà Vu with my dad. It was pretty good, kept my attention and such. There were explosions, gun fights, time manipulation, and love. Good stuffs. Plus, it was nice to finally get out of the house, although it would have been nice if the sun had been up. Oh well.
On Monday, I believe, Bre will be coming over, and then next weekend, I will take a trip to the lovely state of Iowa. Perhaps I will see some corn. I love corn ;)
Well, I am happy to be alive. It's pretty much the greatest thing ever!

I am a peterydactyl! Cawwwww!
Wow, you updated! Yay!
The drawing is awesome. Is it really a peterdactyl?
Why are you going to Iowa?
I got out of the house today too. Went to a tiny Christmas Market at the neighborhood church with my host mom. She bought me this holiday treat called æbleskiver, which are round doughy balls that you dip in jelly and powdered sugar and eat lots of. Mmm.
I don't know how the whole...responding to comments works...
Kaitlin! I am going to Iowa with Bre to go to a holiday thing her grandparents have each year. I went to it once about...8 years ago? The drawing is a pterodactyl, which I didn't draw, but by me putting it up, it has become a peterydactyl!
Hurray sugary sweets! Miss you!
Peterdactyl...hehehe thats cute. Enjoy Iowa Hill...all those corn fields...:)
Had 3 hours of tutorials today, and am officially done with class! I have Principal's Collections tomorrow, which means I get my evaluation reports from my tutors -- read out loud in from of me and the principal, mind you! Yikes. Sounds very Oxfordy and somewhat intimidating. I'll let you guys know how it goes...
Miss you guys. *Hugs*
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