I realized I never posted about the amazing Decemberists concert, so now, a month or so later, I will do so. My mom drove me, Aubrey, and Javier (the Aubrey boyfriend) to U of M to pick up the Peter. After some waiting…and waiting…Peter finally broke away from his Quizbowl tournament. We ate at the Hard Rock (mmm ribs! I love me some animal carcass!) and then waited in line at First Ave. There were even Carleton people in line near us :) The opening act was Alasdair Roberts, who was very Scottish. He sang Lyke Wake Dirge beautifully. Aubrey and Javier were on a separate side of the venue as Peter and I, so we got some video from different angles. There were tall people in front of us. . .
Poor Colin Meloy had the flu or something, so about halfway through the concert he had to take a short, uh, intermission. The band played a lovely rendition of “You are my Sunshine.” It was adorable. That song has a weird assosiation in my head, because my mom used to sing it to me all the time, but also, when I was in Barcelona, there were a bunch of Celtics fans singing in the Hard Rock, drunk off their asses, singing a football chant in the tune of "You are my Sunshine," but instead, the lyrics included "YOU FUCKING WAAANKER!" I miss Spain. Then the band polkaed for a bit until Colin returned.
I got the entire ending of The Island. The amp almost electrocuted Colin. We were happy it didn't. Finally, after a shortened set, they encored with Myla Goldberg. It was an amazing show, despite Colin's illness. I can only imagine a Decemberist's concert when he's not sick and throwing up! They would probably make my head explode.
Winter Break has been a bit dull without anyone to entertain me, but it is looking up, with Christmas approaching. I am going to try to get Bre to take me to see The Holiday tomorrow. I need some female chick flick bonding. I recently went to (yet another) Aerosmith concert. My mother is in love with Stephen Tyler and Joe Perry. It’s kind of creepy, but probably less creepy than my infatuation with David Bowie. What can I say--I inherited my mother’s old man love.

Oh, and what the hell is up with everyone I knew from high school getting engaged/married? Seriously. Stop freaking me out...
I'm glad you'll get to see Peter soon. I see my boy on Saturday and I can't wait.
Yaaay thats awesome about Chicago!! :) And again, so jealous about the Decemberists concert. But the videos are great :D
"peter time" isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It's better than Hans time. (which is really just a cheap knockoff of Playing too much World of Warcraft Time™ but shh, don't tell anyone).
HAHAHAH! oh burrrrrn.
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