October 13, 2006

I got the 13th Lemony Snicket book today, The End, and on page 62, this line made me laugh:

"My father was devoured by a manatee, and my mother was washed ashore when she was pregnant with me."


Battlestar was awesome as always, and Aubrey is going to stay the weekend!


Anonymous said...

If Battletar isn't put on iTunes today, I'll have to wait a whole week to watch... Stupid going to Berlin-and-Poland trip.

Anonymous said...

Manateeeee!!! Thats so awesome. But they aren't carnivorous!

Hope you had an awesome weekend with Aubrey, Hill. The new Battlestar is up...I am saving it for tonight, after I (hopefully) get some of my paper written. Yikes.

Peter said...

w00t for Battlestar and excessive posting on a newfound blog - also, it wasn't a manatee. It was a dugong. Get your ridiculous freshwater herbivorous mammals straight!